Sunday, February 9, 2014

Valentine's Day Math Cookie Patchwork Heart

1/2 of a batch of sugar cookie dough...

One half - either of two equal or corresponding parts into which something is divided.

...rolled out and cut into an eight inch square...

Squarea two dimensional figure with four equal, straight sides, and four right angles.

...divided into sixteen, two inch squares...

Divided - separated into equal parts.

...cut in half diagonally to form thirty-two triangles...

Diagonally - moving in a straight line connecting two opposite corners of a polygon.
Polygon - a two dimensional figure with at least three straight sides.
Triangle - A three sided polygon.

...transferred to a greased baking sheet, and baked for thirteen minutes at 350° F...

350 degrees Fahrenheit - the unit of temperature used in the United States of America, equalling approximately 177 degrees Celsius.

...allowed to cool, and iced so that...

...3/8 of the triangles were glazed with white icing (no food coloring added), 5/16 with light pink (one drop of food coloring and one drop of strawberry extract added), and 5/16 with dark pink (two additional drops of red food coloring added)...

3/8 * 32 = 3/8 * 32/1 = (3 * 32)/(8 * 1) = 96/8 = 12 triangles
5/16 * 32 = 160/16 = 10 triangles

...arranged back into a 4 x 4 square, forming a heart shaped geometric pattern with the colored triangles...

Geometric - utilizing a pattern of simple shapes.

...and equalling a Happy Valentine's Day wish from Almost Unschoolers.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! The hearts turned out great.

  2. What a lovely math lesson with tasty results.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Love it! I hope you had a fantastic Valentine Day!

  4. So very pretty and clever! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!

