Saturday, February 8, 2014

Children's Snow Day Snacktivity - White Chocolate Covered Pretzel Snowflake Station

I thought I'd be a really cool mom, and make up a batch of A Southern Fairytale inspired chocolate covered snowflakes for the children to have with their "we just came in from outside" mugs of hot chocolate.

The snowflakes however, while not difficult to make, proved to be more time consuming than I cared for. So I modified my plan, and set up a make your own snowflake station on the counter instead, leaving out a tinfoil covered cookie sheet with pretzel sticks, candy sprinkles, sparkly sugar, and a bowl of melted white chocolate chips...

...for the children to discover, one by one, as they came in from outside.   I hovered nearby to give some initial instructions, and remelt the chocolate chips in the microwave (in 30 second intervals) when necessary. But, for the most part the children worked on their own...



...decorating, and basically turning a tedious chore into a messy, but fun snow day snacktivity.

White chocolate hardens quickly at room temperature, making it a bit of a race for the children to get all their pretzel pieces dipped before the chocolate needed to be remelted, but also making for solidified completed projects ready to be transferred to plates in just about the same time it took to mix the hot chocolate.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. I'd probably be with you of feeling like it took too long, but they turned out pretty amazing.

  2. You just know how to have fun with food. I suppose children could snack on undecorated pretzel sticks while decorating their special snowflakes :)

  3. Oh wow! How fun and pretty! I'll have to do this with my kids.

