Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Fun Day 65 - Wordless Book Bible Tabs

Last week, as I was teaching Vacation Bible School, I was reminded again of how much I like using the Childhood Evangelism Fellowship's Wordless Bookfor explaining the plan of salvation to children.  The visual of the colors is simple, straightforward, and easy to remember.

Unfortunately, the Bible references, that go along with each verse, are not.  The basic concept?  Yes.  The gist of each verse to back up the colors?  No problem.  But, where are they found and which ones do I personally like to add in, or change around a bit? I have to look up at least a couple of them every time.

Finally, I decided to get wise, and mark them in my Bible, in a way I can't forget - with file tabs.

I picked up a package of the stick on kind, that came with yellow, blue, red and green edged tabs... all I had to do was color over one of the tab edges in black, trim another off, so the tab was all white, cut the sticky part down to the size...

...of my Bible's margins...

...and I was ready to print the verse references onto each tab in a corresponding colored ink (although one color would probably work just as well)...

...stick them onto the proper pages, in descending order down the page from yellow to green, and underline the appropriate verse on the page, again with the matching color... I'll have them at my fingertips, whenever I need them.

Of course, this would work just as easily with the Roman Road, the ABC's of salvation, the Four Spiritual Laws, or any of the like.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. So I'm curious what verses did you learn for the wordless book? I'm wondering if they're different than the ones I learned.

  2. Originally I'm sure I learned the ones on the CEF site. As I've gotten older I've switched them around a little - I like yellow for God's glory, more than for "streets of gold", and I like to have a blue page for repentance. So, I end up with Yellow - Rev. 21: 22-24, Black - Romans 3:23, Blue - 2 Corinthians 7:10, Red - Romans 6:23, White - Isaiah 1:18 and Green 2 Peter 3:18. I figure that's okay, as the Wordless Book has been adapted and morphed through the years since it's origin with Spurgeon, anyway.

