Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Fun Day 64 - Taking Time to be Thankful

We were thanking God this morning, after a beautiful, but very smokey sunrise (above) due to a couple of forest fires we'd glimpsed the beginnings of yesterday (below)...

...when the wind shifted, and we were treated to, at least, one more clear day.

The girls were thankful to harvest their first cucumbers - enough to enjoy in our salads, and sandwiches, with a few slices left-over for their facials.

We (mainly D and I) were thankful for the albino (leucistic?) dove (pigeon?) we spotted on a couple of different mornings headed to VBS.  We had no idea that doves could be albinos or leucistic.  That one little bird, we "just happened" to drive by, opened up a whole new world of learning, and an even greater appreciation for the wonders of creation.

And of course, we were thankful for an exciting week of VBS.  The younger children were thankful for new friends.  I was thankful for the opportunity to share the ABC's of becoming a Christian with an enthusiastic group of children.  And, as a mother, I was very thankful to see my older children (and their friends) stepping up into leadership, and assistant leadership rolls, with hearts for on fire for Christ, and a real love for the children...

...if not for the camera.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)

In case you were wondering - the roller coaster did survive, but the Man of the House convinced me, with eight children under our roof for the next few weeks, the last thing we need is a large cardboard monstrosity of a toy taking up space.  I was sad to toss it out, but looking around my living room today, I'm extremely thankful for a husband graced with sound judgement.


  1. Your sky pictures are gorgeous! It sounds like VBS was a lot of fun!

  2. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to be leaders in our church's VBS. That was one of the things that grew my relationship with God so much!

  3. I just so enjoy your thankful posts- they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... ;0)

