Friday, October 22, 2010

Harvest Candy Corn Cookies

If you read this blog at all, then I'm sure you knew these cookies were coming.

I've seen variations around a few places, but to make our candy corn cookies, we turned, as usual, to sugar cookie dough. Dividing a batch into thirds - one left plain vanilla, one with red, and yellow food coloring added, and one mixed with 1/4 cup of melted chocolate chips, because we were out of baker's cocoa (horror of horrors!).

We rolled them out into play dough-like ropes, and lined them up in the brown, orange, and white of harvest candy corn. I had to Google harvest candy corn to prove to my 13 year old, that there is such a thing.

Then, using a butter knife, we cut them into triangles...

...just like we do when we make actual candy corn, which we made this week too, but you can read last year's post about that - we made them just the same this year...

...only jumbo :)

But, back to the cookies - they went onto a greased cookie sheet, and baked for the usual 12 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit...

...and were eaten by candy corn candlelight.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. yum, yum, yum

    I made pumpkin bread yesterday, and plan to make more today.

  2. They came out great. I love that you googled harvest candy corn to prove the existence to your 13 year old.

  3. Christy - I thought you might appreciate that :)

  4. Those are fantastic! Great idea. :) Pumpkin shakes and cocoa with black cat peeps are huge in my house right now. This project will fit right in. Thanks for the inspiration!



