Saturday, February 13, 2010

What My Child is Reading - February 13, 2010

We didn't do a huge amount of reading this week, and much of what we did read, related to Valentine's Day.

Our two non-holiday books for the week were String of Beads, by Margerette S. Reid, which we used for our stART project. It is longer, and somewhat more detailed than Reid's The Button Box, so the younger children were not as interested in it. And, it made reference to events millions of years ago - being young earthers, that made us roll our eyes. But, other than that, it is a good story for anyone interested in beads.

We also read, Loreen Leedy's The Bunny Play, which walked the children through the process of putting on a play, from picking a director, to auditioning actors, creating a set, designing costumes, and selling tickets. Every bunny had a job.

The three Valentine's stories we read were, Love, Ruby Valentine by Laurie Friedman, Valentine Surprise by Corinne Demas, and Queen of Hearts by Mary Engelbreit. I can recommend all three, they're very sweet, and beautifully illustrated stories. All three are about little girls, looking forward to Valentine's Day, but having some sort of Valentine mishap, and then learning that there's more to Valentine's Day than than they thought.

To find out what others are reading, check out this weeks link up at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Thanks for joining this week. We read Queen of Hearts too, it's kind of funny, but Anna couldn't quite comprehend the whole "going overboard" with making something idea. The other Valentine books sound interesting too.

  2. You're on a real Loreen Leedy kick right now, and you keep finding more of her books I hadn't heard of.
    I had all of these high hopes of getting fun Valentine books read, and it just didn't happen.

