Our family read-a-loud, this week, transitioned us from space, back to simple chemistry.
Phineas L. MacGuire erupts! by Frances O'Roark Dowell is the first book "From the Highly Scientific Notebooks of Phineas L. MacGuire" series, and deals with Mac (also known as Phin, or Phineas, but never Listerman), entering his first, school science fair.
In keeping with
the other books in the series, there are three, go-along, vinegar and baking soda experiments, at the back. But, like Mac's science fair volcano, they are pretty common experiments, that we have done many times before.
Happily, there are a couple of acid/base experiments floating around the blogosphere, that we haven't tried yet, like
the exploding sandwich bag, or
fizzy sidewalk chalk.
We decided to go with the sidewalk chalk first, because it made for an easy transition from our space theme. And thanks to a quick run in the sprinklers afterward, even ended up tying into the Perseid meteor shower, we've been watching out for, this weekend (so far we've only seen one fireball - but it was very exciting).
looks like a great science lesson and I love how their art looked after they got sprinkled on.
My children would love this. What fun! The results are very Van Gough like.
We really need to try the fizzing sidewalk chalk experiment...I keep reading about it everywhere!
I ordered the Phineas MacGuire books from our library system and they just came in the other day. They look like fun :)
I really love this! I find this as very entertaing science fun. Thank you for sharing.
We had a lot of fun with the fizzing sidewalk chalk too, but I love the way you turned this into shooting stars.
An art piece, a follow up on the book and a science experiment in one! Nice :)
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