Thursday, September 9, 2010

Constellation Dot-to-Dots

To go along with Jane O'Connor's Fancy Nancy Sees Stars, which we're hoping will arrive in from a partner library this afternoon, the older children used our computer's paint program to create constellation dot-to-dot/ sticker sheets for their younger siblings.

It was a great computer skills exercise, as well as an art, and astronomy activity.

The little ones (ages 4-7) enjoyed connecting the stars, and covering them with star stickers.

Not all the constellations work well for numbering, so for those, like the Hercules above, they used Robin Kerrod's The Book of Constellations, as a guide for connecting the stars, and to see the pictures the constellations are supposed to represent.

You can find many more story stretching, arts and crafts, at this week's stART (story + art) link-up, at A Mommy's Adventures.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


Gretta said...

I blogged about your site:

Thanks for such a wonderful, fun-filled educational blog. I love it!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

We enjoyed that book, and I am pretty sure more cookies are coming your kids' way soon :) It's neat that older kids made an activity for their younger siblings. Try as I may I could never see Hercules in that constellation.

Ticia said...

Oh I LOVE this idea, what a cool way for both ages to learn about stars.

Candace @NaturallyEducational said...

What a coincidence! I was going to post the same activity soon. We did it the same day we made our rocket ship but I wanted to divide up the post.

I used pre-printed sheets, though...I'm amazed at your older kids' computer skills!

We also used glow-in-the-dark stars from OTC that sadly did not glow. I think using the foil stars is perfect!

When I post mine, I will definitely link-up to yours!

My daughter LOVES Fancy Nancy and we have that book--it is very cool.

Unknown said...

my older 2 boys did an Astronomy Independent study i may (& my youngest did Mythology). they all had fun with it. stars are FUN!! there are some blog entires/links about it, use the keywords 'may term' and/or 'astronomy'

we are still gaming, but todays games were full of gloom, doom,and laughter.

Christy Killoran said...

SO VERY COOL!!! I love the way your older children reinforced their own knowledge by creating something for their younger siblings to learn from. That is great!

We haven't read this Fancy Nancy book, but I am going to look for it.

Anonymous said...

I love how they work on this for others. Great idea.

Brimful Curiosities said...

Excellent activity to involve all the various ages. Last year in school my daughter enjoyed creating her own constellation using the star stickers. Never really figured out what is was supposed to be. We'll have to look for this Fancy Nancy book.

LitLass said...

Great activity! We haven't done Fancy Nancy yet, but I think my 4-year-old might like it.

sbswtp said...

What a fantastic project! I love that it was so all-encompassing!

Jeanette said...

Impressed that your kids made the dot to dots! Very cool.

Unknown said...

Oh, you are doing an AWESOME job teaching your kiddos- just LOOK at what they can create! Bravo! Bravo!

Joyful Learner said...

Can your older siblings make some for our 4 year old? They are fantastic!

Elise said...

I will have to keep my eye out for that Fancy Nancy book.

What a perfect way to differentiate your lesson to cater for all of your children.

Michelle said...

So great!!! We're just starting a space unit. Thanks for sharing.

Debbie said...

I agree with many of the others, it is so nice that the older kids were able to make these for the younger kids.

Lady Chadwick said...

love that the older worked for they younger. Mine are not so spread in age, but they also want to do this sort of thing.

Also used the book suggestions to head to my library website. looking forward to picking them up next Tuesday.

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE it!! This project is amazing for all the different levels it encompasses. Thank you so much for sharing and linking up to stART :0)