These pictures were taken from my driveway - and so are a little far away. If you've never seen one close up, check out Summit Post (click the link to go there), they have some great shots, and a lot of information about these high elevation trees.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Tamaracks Are Turning!
These pictures were taken from my driveway - and so are a little far away. If you've never seen one close up, check out Summit Post (click the link to go there), they have some great shots, and a lot of information about these high elevation trees.
P is for Pumpkin - A Pumpkin Seed Craft

...but, it is also, a simple alphabet book, detailing the animals, birds, and insects you might find visiting a pumpkin patch, throughout the year, making it very well suited for a fall themed, alphabet craft.
To that end, I helped the girls cut out seven pumpkins, from orange construction paper...
When their pumpkins were dry, or mostly dry, I taped them up together, under our fall leaf-list tree, where they are nicely displayed, and I can keep an eye on them, to make sure no one picks off any of the seeds.
At four, and five the girls are pretty well past putting choking hazards in their mouths - but you never know.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A Few More Pumpkin Recipes
In a large soup pot combine:
- two flavor packets from Chicken Flavored Ramen Noodles
- two cups of water
- one tablespoon of butter
- one tablespoon brown sugar
- one cup of plain applesauce
- two cups of pumpkin puree
- one half teaspoon of salt
- one teaspoon of cinnamon
- a pinch of garlic powder
- one teaspoon chopped chives
You will also need 1 12 oz can of evaporated milk, but don't add it yet. First bring the ingredients above to a boil, on high heat, stirring constantly.
Reduce the temperature to low, cover the pot, and allow the soup to simmer for 30 minutes.
Stir in the can of evaporated milk.
Despite the cinnamon, and sugar, this soup is savory, and not at all sweet, and it goes wonderfully with the bread sticks, above. All six of my children ate it - which is something, that almost never occurs with a new food.
But, if you're in the mood for something sweet, instead. Then, I suggest you try the Taste of Home, pumpkin square recipe, from Rebecca Writes (click the link to go to the recipe). I made them last night, and they are soooo good, I didn't even bother frosting them, with the suggested cream cheese frosting, for fear I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating the entire pan.
It's great to be a homeschooler.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Paper Plate Pumpkin Shaker Craft
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pancakes and Pi
Pumpkin Math
Encouraged by Margaret McNara's How Many Seeds In a Pumpkin (which I mentioned in our Sunday Science post), the children chose to count our seeds by arranging them into piles of ten.
This, of course, allowed the children to practice counting by 10's. But, they also counted by 2's to 10, for each pile.
They learned, it's easier to count the piles of 10, if they are arranged in straight, even rows, instead of random piles.
And, it's even easier to count them, if the piles of 10 are lined up into rows of 10, making 100 seeds in each row.
This was great for the older children, but dealing with over 1000 seeds (from two pumpkins) was overwhelming for my 4 year. So for her, I went with an idea from Dr. Jean's Pumpkin Page, for pumpkin seed counters...
There's so much more, I hope to do with these seeds, yet. And, I haven't even touched on all the fractions, and story problems, associated with cutting, and cooking up the pumpkins. But for now, I'm off on a search for pumpkin recipes.

It's great to be a homeschooler.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Fall Fairy (Bugs)
Pumpkin Science For Kids