Thursday, July 16, 2015

Get Kids Moving - Bubbles and (Inflatable) Battle Swords

I found an unopened package of safe, inflatable, Banzai Battle Swords while unpacking (left over gift-package loot from a couple of summers ago).  Combined with a couple of bottles of bubbles...

 ...they made for an excellent evening work-out.  The children (and I) took turn blowing bubbles...

...and wielding swords...

 ...trying to keep even one bubble from escaping.

It was an impossible task, of course, but as they got better with their aim, we upped the difficulty... adding blindfolds.

 Use the force, young Jedi.

Use the force.


  1. Ha ha ha ha, I got an inflatable Thor's Hammer for my nephew. Maybe I should pick up a couple of extras for my kids.....

  2. This is so fun! I love that your teenagers are not too cool to join in.

  3. What a fun idea. I know five children who would love that and a mother who would particularly enjoy watching them attempt to hit bubbles blind folded. Me thinks it could be quite humorous!

  4. This is the best use of swords I have seen.

