Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Cappella Muppets! Our Favorite Song of Summer.

As I mentioned yesterday, June was pretty much of blur of cleaning, packing, and cleaning some more.  We had a wonderful landlord, who let us out of our lease early, to move into our new house, so when he decided to put the rental house on the market, we wanted to make sure that it showed as well as possible - given it was full of boxes.

That meant a number of days though, with me rushing to clean for a last minute showing, while the children waited, trying to stay entertained, without messing up their clean rooms.  One of the days, while I was busy cleaning a bathroom, and the youngest three were (I thought) playing a video game, I started to hear a racket - sort of half singing, half chanting, followed by bursts of laughter, coming from the room they were in.

I figured they were playing some sort of computer game that called for them to repeat silly characters, or morphed their voices, or something like that.  I was surprised the older girls, who were reading in the living room, hadn't complained about the noise (normally they would have) - except that it was strangely rhythmic.  Then, G (age 16)'s voice joined in, adding a melody over the top of the chanting, and I realized they were singing a sort of impromptu a cappella song.  It was rough, but it was pretty cool.

Naturally, as soon as they realized I was listening, they stopped, and refused to sing again.

The next day, hoping to encourage their creativity, I Googled "a cappella for kids" and came up with the video below.

The children still won't sing for me, but I have to say, we have a hands down, family favorite song for summer.


  1. Welcome back! I hope you all are doing well. What a cute song.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I love it!

    And moving stinks.

  3. Yeah, it's still fun to watch.

  4. You certainly can have your own family choir :D

