Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wilton Cupcake Decorating Kit - An Easy Afternoon of Fun

Normally, on the day we spot our first ladybug, we mix up a batch of ladybug cookies.  We skipped it this year, or at least delayed it, because the girls were already midway through another baking project.

The dinosaur cupcake kit from Wilton, pictured above, was another of my "moment of madness" grocery store purchases.  I can't remember if I thought I'd use it for a birthday, or if it was just on clearance, and looked like fun, but either way, it's been sitting in the back of our baking cupboard for a few months now.

I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever use it, when G (age "almost" 16) offered to entertain the younger girls (ages 8 and 10), so I could take the time to catch up on some household chores without interruption.   We've had a few work/home/family transitions lately, that have had the younger girls needing more of my attention.

Anyway, the cupcake kit seemed perfect for the girls to do together.  It was simple enough...

...for G to walk the younger girls through without my help...

...especially when paired with a boxed cake mix, and canned frosting...

...but also whimsical, artsy, and...

...cute enough to keep the younger girls engaged.

Wilton makes a number of different cupcake kits (you can find them online, if not in your local grocery store) - monsters, spiders, ladybugs, mustached faces, and more (non-affiliate links).  They are all extremely simple, just cupcake liners, small candy add-ons, and usually some kind of printed paper bit on a plastic stick. There's really not much to them at all, except for... afternoon of baking-crafting-having-fun-together-type potential in a box.

My girls enjoyed them, anyway.


  1. I love it when the older kids start to entertain the younger kids. They came out cute.
    blessings, Dawn

  2. These are very cute! I love when kids can run their activity on their own (or nearly on their own).

