Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Learning Opportunities - Chicks at the Farm Supply Store

When it comes to chicks, can you tell the difference between a Cornish Roaster...

...and a White turkey?

Or, a Partridge Rock Pullet...

...and a Black Star Pullet?

Or, a Speckled Sussex...

...and a Sicilian Buttercup?

Or, an Andalusian Pullet...

...and a Top Hat?

Okay, those last two are pretty easy to tell apart.  But, some of the others are pretty tricky.  In fact, since it was my oldest daughter who took the pictures of the chicks and the signs on their boxes, and I had to kind of guess my way through by their order on the camera, I'm not sure I'd totally trust that I have them labeled right in the shots above.

However, once I print the pictures out for the children to pair with the poultry information sheet from the website of our local farm supply store, where we viewed the chicks today, it ought to make for a pretty good lesson.

And in the meantime, we got to enjoy all the cuteness the tiny chicks had to offer in a safe, clean (hand sanitizer was provided), and informative environment.

So, even if you've never set foot in a farm supply, or feed store before, you might consider checking one out this spring.  You never know what you might find.

I understand at our local store - ducklings come next!


  1. This is so neat! I wonder how far away our nearest farm supply store is...

  2. Our farm store only carries two kinds at most. You are lucky to have so much variety to see. It is like a little zoo.

  3. My kids are lobbying for baby chicks right now. I better stay away from stores like that. I might give in to their desires.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. Phyllis - We went expecting to see one kind of chick. It was a nice surprise.

    Dawn Rebekah - Happily they had signs all over warning of the seriousness of raising chickens, charts of chicken related salmonella outbreaks over the last decade, and lice powder displayed prominently :)

  5. Ummm.... no, no I cannot, but they're SOOOOO cute! I want one, other than I don't really want my own chickens, but I want a chick. I want one that always stays a chick and cute and little. Can you make that happen?

