Saturday, January 10, 2015

Our First High School Graduate

T (age 17) received "the" letter, yesterday. 

The one from the college of his choice, full of phrases like, "Welcome!" and "You have been accepted." 

And of course, it was an email, and not a letter at all, because that's how things are done now. 

Knowing the "letter" was pending, I've been secretly preparing for the moment when it would arrive.  The local homeschool association holds a graduation ceremony in the spring.  But, being new to town, the teens thought something like that might be awkward, and wanted to celebrate quietly at home, instead.

We all agreed that our high school graduations will take place  on the day the student in question is accepted into college (used interchangeably here for university), or for those who might opt not to pursue higher education - when they successfully obtain a high school equivalency degree.

T opted for college, and so, yesterday was his graduation day.

Once the email was opened and read, his father and the grandparents called, I whipped out the gown, and hat I had purchased ahead, for it's first wearing.  T posed for a few snapshots, while "Pomp and Circumstance" played on the computer.  I, personally, think the sock feet make the picture.

We demanded (but did not receive) a speech from the class valedictorian.  Instead, I offered up a stirring commencement address, full of good advice such as, "The future stands as an open door before you.  Go out and change the world!"  That may, or may not have been the entire speech.

Then, the robe was back into the closet, and we were off to meet the Man of the House, after work, at the movies, before dinner out.  Somewhere in the middle of the festivities, a cake was baked, but we were all too full after dinner to eat it, and so it sits waiting to be eaten.

All in all it had the feeling of a Bee Movie graduation...

 ...with just enough excitement and silliness to make the teens roll their eyes, but also with enough substance to remembered and repeated, as a new family tradition.

It's great to be a homeschooler.  One down, five to go!


  1. Awesome! Congratulations! There is indeed much to celebrate! :-)

  2. Congratulations! :)

  3. Congratulations to T, and to you! Wonderful news. Love the Bee Movie celebration. :-)

  4. Congratulations! What an awesome experience and wonderful news! I am sure he was ready to burst with excitement.

  5. How wonderful! You must feel very proud of both him and yourself. I really, really pleased for both of you!

  6. OMG! Congratulations! I am so excited for T. Where is he heading?

  7. How exciting!!! Congratulations!!!!

  8. Congratulations, T! What will he be doing between now and this fall?

  9. Hi there. I really like your blogs. They are really good. Also Congrats on graduating T.

