Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanksgiving Patchwork Grid Art for Elementary Ages

This project is similar to the sidewalk chalk grid art we tried out in the summer, just brought indoors, and overhauled for Thanksgiving.  So, instead of drawing out a large grid on the patio (or using the blank grid that printed with the template), I cut sheets of red, yellow, brown, and orange construction paper into 6'' squares for the children to draw on.

I printed a grid art turkey template from Activity Village...

...flipped it over, and labeled it with letter and number coordinates...

...before cutting it apart...

...and giving the pieces to the girls to reproduce on the squares of constructions paper.  Before they started drawing, they labeled the square they were working on, by writing the letter and number coordinates on the back of the construction paper square to match the grid square, then flipping their two pieces over, being sure to keep the coordinates in the top right hand corner of the back of each square.

They drew the lines on each square in pencil first...

...and then, when they were satisfied that they had them right, they traced over the lines with brown markers.

They discovered it was easier to draw the lines onto the larger sheets of paper if...

...they folded each of the pieces into quarters, first.

When they had all the squares drawn...

...I taped them up onto a wall, to reveal the picture.  The lines didn't all match up perfectly...

...but the end result was perfectly adorable (in my opinion, anyway).


  1. Cute! A great way to throw a little math and art together with a holiday activity. You are so creative with that!

  2. Yes- it IS perfectly adorable!!!!

  3. I love this approach to grid art - and I'm impressed that the lines matched up as well as they did!

  4. That's great! The patchwork is so fun!

  5. I am also absolutely impressed! They did great on this challenge!

  6. That is a deceptively educational activity and yet so simple. You are a genius at this type of learning.

  7. Thanks for this! The whole family worked on it together on Thanksgiving eve and we made such a great (big!) decoration for Thanksgiving. Lots of fun. I loved how we all got better and better at figuring out the scaling as we went along.

