Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall Traditions - Pumpkin Pie for Breakfast

Having pumpkin pie for breakfast has been one of our fall traditions for a few years now, ever since we discovered the Brian Hall song by that name.

It's just not fall without it.

"How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast, and some Digimon juice,

Pokemon cereal, with marshmallow Pikachus?

How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast, and some Power Ranger punch,

Obi-Wan Kenobi Fritos in your Darth Maul lunch?

How 'bout some pumpkin pie for breakfast?"


  1. This made me smile

  2. We have a tradition of having pie for breakfast, too, but it is the day after Thanksgiving when we have too much leftover pie. :)

  3. If we liked Pumpkin Pie, I would SO be incorporating this tradition- fun!

  4. Looks tasty! And you´re working off your fall leaves ;).

  5. I just added that song to my Amazon MP3 wishlist. So fun. And today I finally tracked down pumpkin puree, so I can start making some of your yummy recipes! Have a great weekend.

  6. I will happily come to your house to eat pumpkin pie. Yum, yum, yum.

  7. Great idea! I am sure this would be a winner at my house!

  8. I'm not a huge pumpkin pie person, but one of my daughter's LOVES it. It is her tradition to eat a slice of cold pie on the morning after Thanksgiving...with whipped cream, too, of course.

  9. I really don't like pumpkin pie but yours looks really good with cream on top. It kind of reminds me about a toffee pie we had as children. It had cream on the top and was scrummy yummy!!

  10. Yum! I doubt it's less healthy than a lot of cold cereals.

