Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk Leaves - Good-bye to Summer

The calendar says we still have two weeks of summer left.  As usual though, the weather disagrees.  48° and cloudy out today, didn't feel like summer.  So, we compromised.  I sent the girls outside to use up the last of the sidewalk chalk (that sounds summery, right?)...

...the fall colored chalk, anyway.  Their mission was to use up the last of the chalk by covering the large, but homely patio of our new house...

...with fall leaves.  I printed out a fall leaf identification chart for them to use as a reference, since our new yard is completely devoid of trees.  There might not be any giant leaf piles to jump in this fall (or any raking to be done for that matter), but our backyard now looks suitably prepared for the season...

...no matter what the calendar might say.  And, while watching the fat sticks of chalk disappear was entertaining enough to keep the girls coloring away for even longer than normal, by the time they were done with the patio, they were ready to pack the summery colors of chalk, left in the box, away for the season, as well.


  1. I hope the kids love their new house! I like their paintings. Have a nice day, Karin

  2. That patio is quite beautiful now! Wow, 48 already?

  3. I can't believe you also have a wonderful piece of drawable-on concrete at your new place as well as leaving some behind at your last home. What are the chances? I want some concrete to draw on!!!

  4. I have a friend in Canada that posted pictures of snow already and the snowman they built. It's a rather scary thought to me.

  5. I wish we could average our weather out with yours. We still have temperatures in the 90s this week!

  6. The leaves look terrific. I hope you will have real trees in your backyard in a few years!

