Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sculpey Clay Vole Skeletons - Owl Pellet Follow-up

The virtual owl pellets were great, and less messy than the real thing, for certain.  But, I still felt like we should have some kind of hands on activity before we moved on.

So, I gave the older girls (ages 13 and 15) a couple of vole bone charts, enlarged to full page size, and slipped into plastic page protectors (after the Canadian map sheets were removed), and asked them if they wouldn't mind making, and baking up a couple of polymer clay skeletons for their younger siblings... piece together, glue down...

...and label...

...on sheets of construction paper.

Printing the bone charts out in a full page size made the tiny bones a lot easier to form out of clay, but it did make for super-sized skeletons.  It would have taken quite an owl indeed, to have made a meal out these mice.


  1. Yeah! Thank you for the pretty skeleton craft. I guess, I will use it as a Halloween activity! You are doing really great (beside cleaning, moving and packing!)!

  2. These projects were excellently executed!! I am quite impressed with the outcome.

  3. Quite an owl indeed!

    My boys would have loved this activity.

  4. Wow! Love it! I'm going to have to save this idea for the next time we're doing an anatomy project. I love the way the blown up sculpey bones look...especially after working with the teeny real bones this summer!!

  5. Your older children have done such a fantastic job of making such a real life skeleton. And your younger ones have done an equally good job of reassembling them. They look very effective glued onto black paper!

  6. I love this idea - and Sculpey clay is the perfect material for it!

  7. I have been TOTALLY inspired to do a mini owl unit with my kiddos this month now!

