Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall Themed Half-Square Quilt Puzzle Blocks

We had a cold rainy weekend, perfect for staying inside, and working on puzzles.  I pulled out the card-stock, half square, quilt puzzle set, I made for the children over the summer, and copied off a few fall themed, quilt blocks for the children to try to piece together, this time.

Just in case you can't tell from my beautiful sketches above, they are supposed to be leaves, pumpkins, sunflowers, candy corn, and bats (inspired or copied from actual quilt patterns).

Sadly, our puzzle set doesn't include any orange triangles, and we didn't have a scrap of orange card-stock on hand, so we had to get creative when it came to the pumpkin quilt block (and the candy corn, but that's a problem for another day).  As for the pumpkin...

...come back tomorrow, and I'll tell you what we came up with - most likely.  Or, you can just look at the picture, and give it your best guess, and then come back tomorrow anyway, to find out why it's special.


  1. Rice krsipy treats and granola bars?

    I should try my kids on visual puzzles like that. Now I kind of want to make my own half square triangles set....

  2. I love it! What a great thing to take to a fall party!

  3. We take puzzles like that on holiday with magnets stuck on the back of each piece and a chocolate box tin!

  4. Sqeeee! I {heart} this quilting math idea!!!!

  5. The treats look delicious :-) And everything is a source of learning! Love it!

