Saturday, September 13, 2014

Coloring Overlapping Leaves

For a quick time killer this evening, I put together a simple leaf-themed coloring activity in our Paint program, modeled after some of the overlapping circle projects I'd meant to do with the children this summer, but never got around to (like these).

First off, I started out by sketching out a rough maple leaf, and then copying, and pasting it across the page.

Then, I drew a sort of aspen-type leaf... copy, and paste over the top of the maple leaves.

I printed out a few full page copies for my younger girls (ages 8 and 9), and they colored them in, picking one color for where the leaves overlapped... for the parts of the aspen-type leaves that were not overlapping the maple leaves...

...another for the parts of the maple leaves that were not being overlapped...

...and a final color for the remaining background.

They really enjoyed the process of seeing their pictures change from a jumble of lines to recognizable leaves and patterns as they added to them color by color.

