Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk with Paper Doll Clothes

Inspired by The Iowa Farmer's Wife, who had her children dressing up chalk silhouettes with old clothing, I printed out an assortment of paper doll outfits (eliminating the extra laundry real clothing would produce) from Google images (where you can find a plethora of printable patterns)...

...for dressing up...

...chalk drawn stick figures.

I cut off all the paper doll tabs, and "laminated" the outfits between sheets of clear contact paper, so we'll be able to use them again and again. 

In fact, if the weather report turns out to be correct, and the weekend heat drives us back into the air-conditioning, I'm imaging they will work equally well with crayons, and a nice long piece of butcher paper, rolled out across the kitchen floor.


  1. You always make me wish I had more girls. :)

  2. How fun! I love the paper idea too.

  3. The things you think of!
    I had a leisurely peruse around your blog last night and thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. You may have inspired an Around the World in 80 Days study!

  4. So fun! I love the simplicity and creativity of the ideas you share. Thank you!

  5. Hee hee hee, I'm thinking of all the various paper doll things I could use.

