Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Fun 2014 - Super Simple Yarn Pictures

Tape clear contact paper, sticky side up, over a coloring sheet.  Coloring sheets designed for color by numbers work especially well.

Give children scraps of yarn, cut into small pieces, in a variety of colors.  The amount of cut up yarn needed will vary depending on the size of the picture.  I suggest keeping it smallish, and simple.  Either way, you will need less yarn, than you might expect.

Instruct children to "color" in their pictures by pressing bits of yarn onto the sticky contact paper...

...pressing hard, and being careful... fill in all the gaps.

When the pictures are well filled in, press down on the yarn one last time to secure the pieces to the contact paper.  Remove the contact paper from the coloring sheets.  Give the pictures one final shake, to remove any loose yarn.  Fill in gaps if necessary...

...and finish off by placing the yarn pictures into an open frames, if desired.


  1. You are having a fun-filled summer!!

  2. What a great craft for a time filler and fine motor practice!

  3. It looks amazing when finished and framed. And you are certainly not lacking in yarn scrap :)

