Friday, April 11, 2014

Easter Story Tangram Activity Book

I gave my teens an assignment (a fairly rare event in our almost unschooled house) of summarizing the Easter story from the Gospels, and illustrating it with tangram shapes from Google images, to create an Easter activity book for their younger siblings.  They've been working on it all week, trying to decide what to include, and what to leave out.  When it comes to the life of Christ there aren't really any insignificant events.

It was interesting for me to see what details stand out from the story for them, at this moment in their lives.


  1. It is interesting to see how they used the tools and what they felt was essential to include.

  2. I'm impressed! What a wonderful way for your older children to demonstrate the Easter story to your younger children. I love it.

  3. This is super duper cool. Now I want to dig out some tangrams to try it out.

  4. I love the fact they used tangrams to illustrate the story. I love the tangrams they picked.

  5. This is way-way cool! I am linking this post to my reworked tangram post :)

  6. Wow - that's amazing! Some really clever solutions. I like Jesus coming out of the tomb.

  7. Sorry - just realised it's the women running from the tomb. Anyway, I like it!

  8. hi is it possible to get a copy of this book to print off. this would be great to give to families with a the tangram- whats the cost ?

  9. Kathy - The pictures above are all we have of this. But, please feel free to print them out and staple them together (which is all we did) to give out to families. There is no charge for that.

