Friday, February 28, 2014

Masking Tape Paper Doll Mansion

 The older girls were busy tonight, hosting a farewell slumber party for a friend who is moving next week, leaving their younger sisters (and brother) at loose ends.  To keep them occupied, and out of their big sisters' hair, I suggested they draw, and cut out a few paper dolls.

While they were busy with that, I pulled out some inexpensive, meaning not too sticky, rolls of masking tape (left over from our masking tape roads), and traced out the outline of a large house on our living room floor...

...for them to fill in themselves with rooms, and stairs, and furniture...

 ...for their homemade dolls.  D even jumped into the fun crafting his own paper doll (a tiny Minecraft creeper)...

...and adding a weight room to the mansion.  All in all, a very good evening's worth of play.

With a blizzard warning in effect this weekend (stinking lying little groundhog), I've downloaded an audio copy of The Borrowers from the library for tomorrow, in hopes of sparking some additional ideas for stretching out the fun.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Oh I know a little girl who would love building a tape house.....

  2. What, no cookies?

    Here's another idea: you could put a worm farm next to the house. It would be a tape worm farm.

  3. My kiddos saw this and asked when THEY will get to make one- so fun!

  4. You always have THE BEST simple ideas for play (and enough kids to use them)!

