Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Science Craft for Children - Spiral Angel Spinners

Add a Christmas touch to the old convection spinner experiment (where a paper spiral is hung above a lit candle to allow children to "see" the air current created by the rising hot air) by giving the plain spiral an angelic make-over.

Simply cut a salad plate sized paper circle into a wide spiral...

...lift up the center of the spiral, and glue two quarters of a paper doily to it (or something equally pretty) points together - to form wings.

Then, glue two small circles (we used a medicine cup for a pattern) on either side of the center of the wings, sandwiching the center of the spiral, and the two loose ends of a loop of string - for hanging, between them.

Decorate the circle faces, or leave them blank, if you prefer.  They are pretty either way.

Make one, or an entire chorus of spiral messengers.

They make a lovely decoration, spinning slowly in the candlelight.  Just take care with the open flame...

...nobody wants a house fire for Christmas, I'm sure.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

