Saturday, November 2, 2013

Turkey Tree - Thanksgivng Countdown

It seems to me like fall has just begun.  But, somehow there are already more fall-to-do-leaves under our paper bag tree, than left on it. And, the first two of our thankful turkeys have already taken their places in the branches.

The turkey tree (another Peanuts nod) is our way of counting up our blessings as we count down the days of November until Thanksgiving.  Each day, one of the children prints something they are thankful for on a hand print turkey, and tapes it to the tree.  That way, by the time Thanksgiving comes around we've got a tree full of thankful turkeys to remind of us of exactly what we are celebrating.

We started the tradition when the children were a good deal smaller. Over the last couple of years I've had to seriously expand the branch space of our tree to ensure enough room for the increasing size of our hand print turkeys.

It's probably a little odd to ask teenagers to join in such a craft, but I have to say, looking at the crayon colored, construction paper birds lined up on our piano top ready to be placed on the tree...

...I'm thankful for teenagers who are good enough sports to do a silly hand print craft for the sake of carrying on a family tradition long enough for their younger siblings to enjoy, too.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. I love, love, love this tradition. It is great in so many ways, and yes, your teens are great sports.

  2. I love that your children are so tight, and this is such a cool tradition for a big family like yours. Enjoy your November!

  3. AWWWW! Love this! Hope you post it on the blog hop this week!

