Sunday, September 8, 2013

Two Piece Cardboard "Slip Together" Playhouse

I have to thank Crafty Crow and Lilla A for inspiring the perfect project for using up a couple of large pieces of packing cardboard the Man of the House brought home from work.  A quick Internet search proved I wasn't the first person to think of enlarging a slip-together dollhouse design to accommodate children. But, since everyone has a little different approach to a project, I'll give you my step-by-step anyway.

I started with two large pieces of sturdy cardboard - just about 5' x 4'.  Measuring out from the center of the top of each of the pieces, to spots about a foot and a half down the sides, I trimmed off the top corners, with a razor blade (protecting the table underneath with additional cardboard), to form roof peaks.

I cut a slit halfway down from the peak of one piece, and halfway up from the center of the bottom of the other piece... the two pieces would slip together to stand.

Then, I slipped them back apart to make it easier to cut out doors...

...and a window...

...before slipping the pieces back together to form the finished house with a front door leading into a living room, that has a door through into a bedroom, that has a door through into a kitchen (not the best floor plan - I know, but we do what we can), that has a window looking back out into the yard...

...super simple, and ready to decorate.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. HOw fun is that? Now I wish we had some giant cardboard stuff to make.

  2. Oh this is wonderful. I have the perfect cardboard sitting on my porch, it's been there for several months just begging me to do something with it.

  3. Wow, this is a giant playhouse :) Nice way to repurpose that cardboard!

  4. This is awesome! My daughter would absolutely love playing in this house.

    I'd love it if you could come by our new Pinning for Play link party & share this with us!

  5. This looks great. I hadn't realised that you were still blogging. It was a lovely surprise to find that you are still here and that there are loads of posts to catch up on.

  6. I love this! My girls will have fun with it! I just have to wait for cardboard!

