Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Fun Day 56 - Sword Fighting in the Sprinkles or Moon Madness

There's nothing like a warm summer evening for drawing us outside.  We almost never star gaze in the winter - mainly because it's too cold to be comfortable.  But, in the summer, the evenings are inviting, and perfect for star gazing...

...or moon gazing, as we've been finding ourselves doing a lot this particular summer.  The moon was quite spectacular last night, even early in the evening, before the sun had set.

And, since it is summer, we decided to let the younger children stay up late, past their bedtime, to glimpse the moon in its full nighttime glory.  The girls put on a show for us, to pass the time...

...and we were so engrossed we "forgot" to warn them about the automatic sprinklers.

There's nothing like a summer evening.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Beautiful.
    I am quite impressed with your moon photos. I have a hard time getting good ones.

  2. Phyllis - I've been playing around with the manual settings on my cheapy little camera. I have no idea what they mean, so it's just been trial and error - I have about as many bad pictures as good - and none that are as stunning as what we're actually seeing - but I'm getting closer.

  3. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love that the Sprinklers "got them!" That only adds to a fun, beautiful evening...

  4. I keep wanting to do it here, but daughter has been not feeling well and going to bed earlier. Hopefully more luck this week! Your last shot is gorgeous!

  5. "forgot"
    humph, that's awesome!

