Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Fun Day 49 - Paper Bag People


  • Brown paper lunch bags
  • Yarn in various "hair" colors
  • Crayons
  • White school glue
  • Child safe scissors
  • Clear tape
  • Large googly eyes (optional)
Place the bags flat on the table, with the bottom flap up.  Instruct children to draw faces onto the flap, and color clothes onto rest of the bag.  Then, they can cut lengths of yarn to glue on as hair, and tape on a couple of yarn "arms", if they like. 

When the glue is dry, the bag people can be used as puppets, or stuffed with paper scraps (keeping the face flap down), and stapled shut, to stand around as dolls.

This is an extremely simple, but engaging craft, with a lot of possibilities for individual expression.  It's one the 1st and 2nd grade Sunday School teacher at our church likes to use as a time filler.  And, it's an all time favorite craft for my 7 and 8 year old girls.  I like it because it doesn't make much of a mess, requires little to no adult assistance, and turns from a craft into a toy.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Oh yes! This is definitely something that can be used for a playdate when the kids don't know what to do with themselves. Thanks for the idea!

  2. I should do that sometime when Princess has a friend over.

  3. You should TOTALLY have them watch one of the Muppet Movies after they do this the next time- then they could get some tips from the puppet master himself, Jim Henson!

