Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Fun Day 47 - A Glow In The Dark Memory Verse

Our Vacation Bible School is just around the corner, and as I've been studying, and preparing lessons, I've also been looking for ways to introduce, and familiarize my own children with the theme verses for the week.

So, naturally, when I found the remnants of a can of glow-in-the-dark paint, left over from last summer, in the back of the utility cupboard, I used it to paint 2 Timothy 1:7 - the main theme verse for the week - onto card-stock... hang in the children's rooms...

...for them to focus on as they fall asleep.

I like the symbolic imagery of God's Word shining out in the darkness, even if I did accidentally paint "1" instead of "2" Timothy.  Happily, there's just enough paint left to fix it.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. What a fun idea, now I want some glow in the dark paint.

  2. This is an AWESOME idea! In fact, I just ordered some florescent paints and a florescent light bulb- I am thinking I can apply this idea to a night time bath too...hmmmmm...

