Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Fun Day 45 - Ice Cream Cone Clowns

We spent the afternoon decorating ice cream cone clowns, yesterday.


Well, because it's National Ice Cream Month, and it's summer, and we're kids - or at least most of us are kids, and the rest of us (who are not) looked at, but never bought one of these delightful desserts from the glass cooler at Baskin-Robbins in our own childhoods.  I can't remember why that was...lack of pocket money?  Did they look too difficult to eat?  Were we too cool for clowns?  It's hard to say, but neither the Man of the House, nor I, ever had one - until now.

It turns out they are ridiculously easy, and a lot of fun to make (and not too difficult to eat, either).  There don't seem to be any real recipes out there - everyone just kind says, "They're pretty easy. Wing it."

So we did, starting with a sugar cookie base, baked, cooled, and topped...

...with a nice round scoop of ice cream and...

...a sugar cone hat, of course...

...popped into the freezer to harden up, while we assembled an assortment of frosting, marshmallow bits, candy, sprinkles, spray on whipped topping, and sliced strawberries.

It's important to let the ice cream get good and frozen, or else it will start to melt while you're decorating it, and your clown's face will slide off - a lesson we learned the hard way.

 But, once the ice cream is really frozen, you can decorate them without too much difficulty at all.

Then, pop them back into the freezer, to firm up once again...

...before serving.

Pure summer happiness - and another life goal checked off the list.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. My boys used to get a similar thing at Friendly's but they didn't have the cookie base. The ice cream scoop just sat on the plate. I never thought to make them at home. They are super cute and they look fun to make.

  2. I've never seen these clowns before - looks like a fun (but messy!) dessert to make!

  3. Raising a Happy Child - It was a lot less mess than I expected.

  4. In my case because my Mom refused to buy it, saying she'd buy us a scoop of ice cream in a cone instead.....

  5. My kids get something similar at Friendly's, but I've never even thought to make our own! Adding this to our must do list!

  6. This was always my FAVORITE ice cream treat to get at Baskin Robbins when I was a kiddo- that and bubblegum ice cream. I think my kiddos would greatly enjoy making their own too!

