Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer Fun Day 8 - Taking Time to be Thankful

Celebrate always, pray constantly, and give thanks to God no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. (This is God’s will for all of you in Jesus the Anointed.)  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - The Voice 

We've been working with the children, encouraging them to add a note of thankfulness to their prayers.  But, sometimes it can be difficult to focus in on specific things to thank God for on a seemingly average, ho-hum day.  I decided to help them out by snapping a picture here, or there throughout the week of the little surprises, that brought us special joy, inspired awe, or generally turned our eyes toward the Maker.

This week, we were thankful for...

Baby bunnies at the library.

They were sooooo cute.

A double rainbow right outside our backdoor. 

And, the return of the ladybugs (and larva - always a special treat to spot).

He’s the One you must praise—He’s your God who has done such great and amazing things for you, as you’ve seen with your own eyes. Deuteronomy 10:21 The Voice


  1. All creatures of our God and King,
    Lift up your voices now and sing...

    (Nature always seems to point our praise to Him, doesn't it?)

  2. I am always on the lookout for "happiness pictures", but should have my camera with me more often :) You have a lot to be thankful for!

