Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Fun Day 34 - Dinosaur Sized Origami

I picked up an inexpensive roll of green wrapping paper, to cut into large squares, thinking we could try our hand at folding up a few giant sized origami triceratops to replace the cookies which met, quite naturally, with a herd of ravenous predators.

After watching a couple triceratops folding tutorials (like this one), we quickly realized it was beyond our origami skill level.

So we settled, instead, on a simple two piece apatosaurus (Blogger spell check claims the correct spelling for this word is "brontosaurus" by the way - very funny), from Amazon's preview of Michael LaFosse's Origami Dinosaurs.

Our dinosaurs, both big and small, were easy to fold, but turned out a little floppy.  At first I thought was the fault of the paper, but then decided it was due to the simple design.  No matter though, we stapled the smaller (regular origami paper sized) versions to give them stability, and opted to paper clip our big guy (who we did, in fact, name "Bronty")... that he could be unfolded later, in case we wanted to reuse the paper to - you know - wrap something.

It's great to a homeschooler.


  1. I love it - so funny, and what a genius idea to make a giant origami dinosaur!

  2. Origami is difficult. Katie is good at it now, but it took some time for her to get proficient.

  3. Those little guys are so cute!

  4. I think placing some money in the Giant Dino would be a great way to give a gift!

