Friday, December 7, 2012

Preschool Egg Carton Manger Craft

For the preschool Sunday school class:

A googly eyed cotton ball "baby"...

...wrapped in toilet paper "swaddling clothes"...

...secured with a small piece of tape...

...and laid in a manger...

...made ahead of time, out of an egg carton, cut apart...

...and trimmed, so each cup has one side left sticking up, like a spoon handle...

...filled with ripped up, paper bag, "hay" (children can rip up the paper, and fill their mangers, while the googly eye glue dries on their cotton balls)...

...then topped off with a shiny star, cut out ahead, from tinfoil, or in our case - recycled chocolate wrappers, glued onto the egg carton "handle".

Any theological discussion as to when and where the star should actually appear in the Christmas story can probably be left to the grown-ups, or at least the upper elementary classes - but that's up to you.

Merry Christmas from Almost Unschoolers!


  1. How did you know I'm planning a craft for Princess' American Heritage Girl meeting next week?

    Super cute! Merry Christmas!

  2. Really cute craft. Love toilet paper for swaddle clothes :) Hope you are having a wonderful December!

  3. What a cute idea. I'll have to use this one sometime soon!

