Monday, July 9, 2012

Sidewalk Chalk After the Rain - Simple Summer

If Mr. Nobody pays you a visit this summer, and leaves your brand new box of sidewalk chalk open, and outside in the rain - the torrential summer downpour type rain...

...don't despair.  Wet chalk, assuming it hasn't completely dissolved, is a lot of fun to draw with...

...especially if you rush out, right after the rain, to draw on the cement while it's still wet.

The colors blur and blend as you draw, sort of like a cross between working with pastels, and water colors, with a look similar to sidewalk chalk paint.  And, the best part is the colors change (at least they did for us), as the sun dries out the pavement, and the pictures.  My pictures here don't do justice to the fun feel of the wet chalk on wet pavement.  It's very different than drawing with dry chalk on dry pavement.

If there isn't any rain in your forecast, you can still enjoy this summer art activity, by soaking your chalk in a bowl of water, until it is good and wet, but not completely dissolved (the amount of time will depend on the thickness of the chalk), and then spraying down a section of sidewalk for your children to draw on, keeping in mind, that wet pavement is great for drawing on, but not so good for running, or walking across, and on a hot day, like what many of you are having, wet pavement won't stay wet for long, so draw fast!

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. My kiddos discovered the joys of drawing with wet chalk, too, but it was not because of Mr. Nobody...His name is "Brownie" in our house... ;0)

  2. This is a very awesome little blog. I'll be starting my adventures in homeschooling in about a year, so I'll be coming back here a lot. Thank you!

  3. Her name is Princess in our house for sidewalk chalk, now Legos....... That's another matter.

  4. Mr Nobody must be visiting your house quite a bit with 6 kids. Poor Anna cannot quite invoke Mr Nobody here.

  5. lol your site is 10 years old, but I found it looking for sidewalk chalk out in the rain. I brought home some big chalks, made for toddlers hands, and left them outside by my neighbor's door for the kid. (on a table). didn't know it was going to rain for going on 48 hours now, remnants of a hurricane. lol, i don't know if they ever even saw the chalk.

