Sunday, July 15, 2012

Science Sunday in the Early Morning

The high school youth group from our home church in Oregon is visiting our Montana youth group (which the Man of the House helps with), meaning lot's of fun, excitement, late nights, and early mornings.  It was nearly midnight last night, before they pulled into town, and we helped to get them situated into host homes around town. Then, we were up at five this morning, in order to be ready meet the teens at our church in time for a pre-Sunday school breakfast.

One unexpected bonus of being up before dawn on a Sunday morning was noticing the bright, shining planet situated just under the thin slip of moon in the eastern sky.  A quick check of informed us it was Venus, and if we had been just a little bit earlier, we would have had a good view of Jupiter, as well.

The view tomorrow morning promises to be just as lovely.  I for one, plan to be up to see it with binoculars in hand.  And, thanks to the folks at, when I point out the sight to my sleep-deprived children, I can even sound like I know what I'm talking about, and pack in a quick science lesson, before heading out for a day of fun.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

Linked with Science Sunday at Adventures in Mommydom.


  1. It IS great to be a homeschooler!
    And the "Morning Star" of Venus is SO lovely!

  2. Hope you have lots and lots of fun. I love your photo! It is wonderful how you notice things such as this.

  3. I'm reeling at the idea of "in bed after midnight and up before 5......"

    I always loved finding Venus, which can also be seen at night as I recall from my astronomy lessons.

  4. Cool sighting of Venus. You don't get much sleep, do you?

