Friday, July 13, 2012

Princess S'mores Take Two

We agree wholeheartedly with Gillian Rogerson's deliciously, chocolaty, intergalactic adventure, "You Can't Eat a Princess!"

However, we still say, a princess s'more...

...made with vanilla wafers, pieces of white chocolate candy bars, and strawberry marshmallows...

 ...roasted over a fancy, princess type, birthday candle, in front of a pink and purple pavilion, or makeshift princess tent (if you don't happen to have a pink and purple pavilion handy) ...

...well, that's another matter, entirely.

Of course, you'll want to take proper precautions with children around an open flame - adult supervision, and such.

And, in hindsight, I'd have to say this is probably a better 70° weather (or inside) story activity, rather than a mid-summer, into the 90s, sort of thing.  Our chocolate was melting faster than we could roast the marshmallows.  But then, wanna-be-princesses...

...are nothing if not adaptable, and always ready for a happy ending.

It's great to be homeschooler.


  1. MMMM, yum, yum, yum..... I'd never thought of white chocolate in s'mores.

  2. Perfectly princessy activity with just the right amount of sweetness in it :)

  3. Neat variation on a classic! It looks like everyone enjoyed them.

  4. Such a cute idea! But you guys are full of good ideas!

  5. So cute! I just requested this book from the library.

