Monday, July 2, 2012

Frozen Yogurt Pops - Duh!

Summertime with children is so much fun.  Every simple little activity you put together seems like magic when the sun is shining.

We were out of juice one day, and the children wanted to make popsicles, so I gave them a couple of cups of yogurt to spoon into their molds instead (it's not a new idea at all, but for some reason, we had never tried it before).

They used a straw to tap out the air bubbles (for layered pops, just tap the entire mold against the table)...

...placed on the caps/sticks, and popped them into the freezer...

 ...for a new summer favorite (although root-beer floatsicles are still a popular second).  I'm feeling pretty stupid for not trying it sooner.

Yogurt freezes so much better than pudding, and makes for nice variety from the fruit and juice pops we normally make.  The children got a huge kick out of turning orange cream yogurt into actual creamsicles, like the ones pictured on the containers.

And, with the addition of a couple of drops of extra food coloring our blueberry, vanilla, and strawberry yogurt turned positively patriotic.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Why, yes, I second that "Duh!" Why haven't I tried this before either?

  2. Apparently it is a common oversight. I've never tried it either! Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. I need to get some popsicle molds. I've been freezing the drinkable yogurt in their little sleeves, not quite the same.

  4. Yum! I haven't tried yogurt pops either. They sound yummy!

