Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Easy Flower Piñatas

Start by making a frame out of toilet paper tubes.  This will make a smallish piñata, so you might want to make several, if you are planning for a number of children.

Cover one side of the frame with paper strips dipped in watered down glue, about two parts glue to one part water, and allow to dry.

Flip the piñata over.  Punch holes in the toilet paper tube sides for hanging strings, and ribbon accents (if you like).

Cover the rest of the piñata with glue dipped paper, leaving an opening for candy.

Once all of the paper is dry (this can take overnight), decorate with tissue paper, painting on strips with more watered down glue.

Allow the tissue paper to dry.  Fill the piñata with candy.  Glue the opening closed using a glue stick, or regular school glue.

Hang the filled piñata as a party decoration until it is time to break it open.

 It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. What a wonderful and inexpensive idea! We don't have any parties coming up, but we'll make some anyway just to have some cool flowers hanging around. Thanks for sharing!

  2. So pretty! I forgot to say - happy belated birthday to C!

  3. I showed my middle daughter the first installment of this series--the Polly Pocket cupcakes--and now she wants a Polly Pocket party. All of these things would be great for that party. Can't wait for her birthday!

  4. Hi There! These pinatas are adorable! Anyway-- I love looking through your blog, so I am passing on the Versatile blogger Award to you! check it out!

  5. i am not sure it i hit the button the first time so I want to say again: These are so cute and the step by step instructions with pictures rocks! Thank you ~Heather

