Saturday, May 26, 2012

Marshmallow, Chocolatey, Peanut Butter Popcorn.

We are generally big fans of peanut butter popcorn as a special treat on rainy weekends, but poking around on Pinterest, or Google images, or something of the like, I discovered from Mrs. Harding of Mrs. Harding Cooks, that if you start out with a batch of popcorn...

...then switch over to Krispies mode, and melt together a bag of mini-marshmallows with a stick of butter over medium low heat...

...stir in peanut butter...

...mix it with the popcorn...

...and some chocolate chips... just minutes, you get something wonderful - something soooo much better than just plain old peanut butter popcorn - something like mixing together s'mores, and peanut butter cups, and popcorn...Mrs. Harding calls it "Sin Popcorn".

You can eat it warn and gooey, but be ready with plenty of napkins.  Or, you can pop it into the fridge for a few minutes to let the toppings set up, making it much less messy, but still irresistibly good.

I will warn you, one batch was more than enough for our family of eight to munch on, and still leave the Man of the House and I adding exercise equipment to our summer must-buy list.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

