Thursday, May 24, 2012

Color Changing Volcanic Lemonade - The Mad Scientists Strike Again

Fizzy acid/base reactions never get old, do they?

But, add a pH indicator, like say a viola infusion (see yesterday's Mad Science Make-up Lab for instructions), into the mix...

...and the same old, same old type of fun - which is still fun, becomes mad science fun - which is so much better.

Red cabbage water would work just as well for this, but it wouldn't taste as good - and yes, I said taste, because after all, if you use a powdered sugar free lemonade mix to introduce an acid to the infusion, instead of the normal vinegar... won't just get a color changing volcano, you will get a color changing volcanic lemonade!

 Not a very good lemonade, mind you (there's a definite baking soda aftertaste).

But, with a little bit of tinkering... adjust the ratio of baking soda... lemonade, you can come up with a mixture...

...that if not quite good... still good enough to share with the rest of the mad scientists hanging around the lair.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. I guess I am going to have to go buy some sugar free lemonade and plant some violas. These experiments are great!

  2. Very, very cool. I am assuming lemonade mix with sugar instead would work, too, right? We are allergic to artificial sweeteners.

  3. The science that can be tasted is the best, isn't it?

  4. Phyllis - Yes, the sugared kind would work, too. It will just add a stickiness factor to the fun :)

  5. Science is our favorite and anything that fizzes or threatens to "explode" is our favorite. All the better if you can tinker with it to make it somewhat tasteable!

  6. I had to come visit when I saw the name of your blog on Phyllis' comments. That totally defines us!! Isn't almost unschooling the greatest? :)

    Blessings, Debbie

