Thursday, December 1, 2011

Making Paper Snowmen With Max and Mo

Our 4th pick for our count down to Christmas with picture books (containing crafts or recipes) was Patricia Lakin's Max & Mo Make a Snowman.

It's an adorable easy reader, about a couple of very sweet classroom pets, who want to join the children, on a winter day, outside making snowmen, at least until they start outside, and realize how cold it is.

Instead, they gather supplies from the classroom's "odds and ends" box, and craft a paper snowman, inside where it's warm. The book includes instructions for the snowman craft.

I had the supplies ready for the girls...

...and as soon as we finished the story, they went right to work tracing, and cutting...



...and gluing...


...and toothpicks...

...attaching a scarf...

...a stand...

...and even a hat...

...for two complete snowman...

...without mittens or coats required.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

Linked to stART (story + ART) at A Mommy's Adventures.


  1. I love their snowmen! They're so cute.

  2. Today we had snowman pnacakes for breakfast and we made paper plate snowmen. I got the idea over at in her advent calandar. It's been a fun first day of December over all. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  3. Max and Mo are smart! I would much rather stay in the warm house and craft a snowman :) Plus, no extra laundry that way!

  4. Great craft. Anna enjoys this series, but I didn't see this particular book in the library. A perfect craft for your younger ones.

  5. Just stopping by to let you know that I have featured your project on Fun Family Crafts! You can see it here

