Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Leaf Glue Window Clings

C (age 5) really enjoys making designs with colored glue. Her favorite thing to do right now, is to mix several colors together into interesting patterns, and swirls of color.

So, when I saw Pink and Green Mama's leaves made out of colored glue
linked on Dinosaurs and Octopuses' fall leaf list (a list worth checking out, by the way), I knew C would love to make some, too.

As it turned out, E (age 6) and D (age8), also enjoyed the craft, quite a bit.

I outlined leaves, tracing from a paper template underneath, on wax paper, and let them dry, for the children to use as forms, to hold in their glue.

After they added their swirls, and lines of color...

...they used straws to spread the glue out, to the edges of the outlines. They dry glue around the edges, made a sort of wall, to keep the glue in place.

We let their creations dry overnight, and then peeled them, easily, off of the wax paper.

They are very pretty with light shining through them, so we decided to use the leaves to decorate our windows.

Working like normal for glue clings, we wet the back of the leaves thoroughly with water...

...and stuck them right to the window.

It's important to make sure the edges are completely stuck down, or they might fall off once they dry. As long as all the edges are glued down, they will stay put indefinitely, but are easily pulled off, when you are ready for a change.

They will drip, and look quite messy when you first put them on...

...but the window around the clings can be cleaned, with a finger wrapped in a glass cleaner soaked towel, once the cling is dry.

This was the first time, that I can remember, that the younger children getting to help make window clings.

They were thrilled to see their artwork on such public display.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. I saw these on pink and green mama too - yours came out great!

  2. Very pretty! I'm happy to have found your very creative blog!

  3. They are beautiful...and here, at least, it would be the only colored leaves we could see!! All the leaves are either green or brown here.

  4. I thought about trying those too...glad to see how they came out.

    Would love to see you join my linky party that I'm starting next month.

  5. Seriously? These are awesome! And they would fit in perfectly with what we had planned to do today... :)

  6. This reminds me of something else you did with glue for window clings. I know at that time I said I have to try it. Now I need to see if we can't get around to making some for sure. Their leaves turned out so pretty.

  7. Makes me wish I would have bought more bottles of school glue when it was on sale!

    Just wanted to let you know I wrote a post today about how we make our applesauce. I still haven't tried the blender yet!

  8. They turned out so pretty! I need to give that a try sometime. It's been on my list for a while.

  9. This looks gorgeous, and I really like your technique. I cannot even pretend that we will try it here - we had absolutely no time (or inclination from certain someone) to do arts.

  10. Their leaves look amazing! And what a wonderful way to display them. We've never used glue window clings. I didn't even know such a thing existed until this past week or so. We've been missing out! R will love making his very own window clings. Thanks so much for sharing the how to! And thank you for mentioning my blog. I really appreciate it.

