Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blueberry Whip-Cream-Sicles

It didn't look much like popsicle weather, in our little corner of Montana, today.

But, when I was cleaning out the fridge, to make room for Sunday dinner preparations, I discovered a half gone, tub of light, whipped cream, and an open bag of once frozen blueberries, at a use-it-or-loose stage of defrost.

I didn't want to waste them, so I popped them into the blender, together, with a dash of cinnamon...

...for a quick, breakfast smoothie treat. It was very yummy, but with whip cream, probably more of a dessert, than a breakfast. That was okay though, because the kids only had small servings, for a taste (and it was light whipped cream, after all).

The rest got scooped, and tapped down, into molds, for after lunch, popsicles.

Because, I have this theory, that if we keep on acting like it's summer...

...sooner or later, our weather might just act like it, too.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. We are SOOOOO going to do this! Yum. And we need incentive for summer weather as well.

  2. I will trade you some of our 100 degree weather for yours. Those Sicles look really good. I bet they would work with strawberries, too.

  3. I love your theory! We had a week of hot weather, but now it is back down to the 60s and rainy.

  4. Looks yummy! Hope Summer finds you soon. I wish I could give you some of ours. 95° here!

  5. so, why did I never think to freeze my leftover breakfast smoothies into popsicles. I guess I haven't been a mommy long enough to have learned that lesson yet. Thanks for sharing! Hope you get some summer rays soon.

  6. Love your philosophy! I think that is about all many of us can do. Those blueberry sicles sure look yummy.

