Sunday, May 22, 2011

Science Sunday - Entomology

As I mentioned in an earlier post, our caterpillars arrived from Insect Lore this week, kicking off an interest in entomology.

I love the caterpillars, but I'm beginning to think we needn't have bothered ordering them, because the backyard has yielded quite a few interesting, creepy, crawly specimen of its own.

There have been ladybugs and aphids (you might have to click the picture, to make it bigger, to see the aphid in this ladybug's mouth)...

...and eggs...

...and ants...

...spittlebugs and froghoppers...

...and spiders...

...and bees...

...and wasps...

...just to name a few. It's really been pretty exciting stuff. Summer is the perfect time for unschooling science - when days can be spent in free exploration...

...and evenings in reading up about all we've seen. Below are a few of the books we've found especially enjoyable, this week.

I'll be linking this post to Adventures in Mommydom's Science Sunday round-up, where you can find science themed projects, and ideas for children.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. It has been raining so much lately that we haven't had much time to look for bugs. We will though, and I'll have to look for that last book - it looks like one my kids might like.

  2. I love the Pet Bugs books. We've used them in the past to set up habitats for bugs and had so much fun with it. We've had really good success with crickets in indoor habitats.

  3. I am so with you on summer science, too bad we are not having much this year around here. I will however have to look into some of those books.

  4. We haven't had as many this year, I wonder why because the weather has been perfect for it.

  5. I love that you have had such a great opportunity to find so many bugs to study in your own yard! I'm not a fan of the kits, we always collect our own caterpillars now. What a great book list!

  6. You are right up my alley with this. I wanted to be a forensic entomologist back before all the TV shows on it....back when I was just a little girl.

  7. Bugs are SO much fun, huh? We've had a butterfly habitat and have ant and ladybug kits waiting. Stopping by from Science Sunday!


  8. I wonder why it is that we don't see a lot of bugs in our area. Not that I am complaining much, but ladybugs would be nice. I have to look for some of the books you recommend.

  9. Very good book list, and I love the picture you captured of the ladybug with the aphid!

  10. have you taken photos of your ldybugs and checked out the labdybug project to see what kind of ladybugs are in your are? It is a great project and the site has printables!

  11. Deanna - Yes, we love their identification guide. I need to help the children upload some of our photos to them still, though.

