Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rapunzel "Let Down Your Hair" Craft

We watched Disney's Tangled, this morning, and followed it up with a quick, Kathy Ross inspired Rapunzel craft from her Storytime Craft Book.

I printed out a picture of Disney's Rapunzel (I actually screen printed some Rapunzel stickers off of Amazon, so I could get the size of her head, I needed).

Then, I cut a window into an empty, plastic wrap tube, and notched the top, to make it look towerish. I would have had the girls help with this part, but the tube was really heavy duty, and hard to cut.

But, they were able to stick Rapunzel's head into the window, with clear tape.

And, to help with finger knitting yellow potholder loops, to make Rapunzel's braid. Ross suggests folding three long pieces of yarn in half, and then braiding them. That would probably be the better choice, because our braid ended up a little chunky for its purpose. But, we didn't have any yellow yarn on hand, and we did have the loops.

Once our braid was ready, we tied a piece of white yarn through the top...

...and threaded the other end through the window, so it came out the bottom of the tube, where we tied it to the loose end of our braid.

We pulled the braid back in, to hide it in the tube, until the girls called out, "Rapunzel, let down your hair." Then, by pulling the string one way, the braid came out, and down the tower, and by pulling it the other, it retreated through the window, again.

They tested it out a few times, decided it was hilariously funny, in the way only a four, and six year old can find things funny, and then went off to decorate the outside of the tower with their rainbow crayons.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Thanks so much for the idea! I am trying to plan a Tangled birthday party for my two little girls and I need all the ideas I can get! :)

  2. So cute! We actually have that book and I have thought about doing that craft many times, but we haven't tried it yet. I certainly have plenty of yellow yarn.

  3. Great idea and looks marvelous! All Tangled fans and those who know Rapunzel are sure to enjoy this! Very timely with the release of Tangled on DVD today!

  4. That is just too cool! Great for teaching braiding techniques. When I was a young girl, we used straw we found outside. But that was a long, long time ago. ;)

    We're still waiting to see Tangled.

  5. Fun! We just got Tangled today too!
    There are some cute activities here:

  6. How clever! I think my daughter will be the only child in her class who has never seen Tangled or any other Disney Princess movie except Cinderella (which she, by the way, hated).

  7. This is so cute! I can just see the laughter that was going on between your girls.

  8. That would be wildly popular here, and it would get the same reaction here.

  9. What an awesome craft. I think my daughter will love this!! She loves Rapunzel! Thank you so much for all your great ideas! We already did the binoculars and it was loads of fun!

