Wednesday, February 16, 2011

President's Day Paper Plate Beards

In anticipation of Presidents' Day, we've been reading books about the various presidents. Today, we read Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers by Karen B. Winnick, about the real life letter from a little girl, that inspired President Lincoln to grow his trademark beard.

While I was reading, I gave the younger children each a half paper plate to color. C, decided to color hers pink, even though I explained they were making Lincoln beards. If she was going to wear it, it was going to be pink.

I had them color the fronts of the plates, but realized later, the backside curves more naturally like a beard, around the face.

When they had them colored, I cut out the middles...

...punched holes on each side, near the top...

...and tied the ends of a piece of yarn, through the holes, to fit over the children's ears.

We're feeling much more presidential, already.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Great idea. R would have a pink beard too!

  2. I'll have to check out that book. My husband would love it! He's prodigiously proud of his beard and mournfully shaves it off on Valentine's Day. (We have a deal. He gets to grow it in October if he shaves it off by V-day. :)

  3. Very cute. Now, all they need is a top hat!

  4. I remember doing something like that as a kid.

    I remember there was a photographer who was so proud of having gotten a picture of the president-elect, and was going to make his fortune selling prints, and then before the inauguration Lincoln grew a beard and he couldn't sell a one.

  5. I wish my husband would shave off his beard! His is not so "trademark" as Lincoln's, but I would offer him a paper plate one any day :) Cute craft!

