Monday, January 3, 2011

Circle Penguins, A Simple Fraction Craft

Our craft today, was mainly for the younger girls (ages 4 and 5), and mainly about fractions, but I had G (age 11), help with the set up, so she could practice her compass skills.

For each of the girls, she drew two black circles, and one white, with 6 inch diameters, and one smaller orange circle, with a 1 inch diameter. E, cut her circles out, while G, and I helped C, with hers.

Then, the girls cut one of the black circles in half, for wings.

E, decided quarter circles would make better wings, but needed some help with her symmetry.

Once the wings were on, they cut the white, and orange circles in half, and half again, to make quarters, for the stomachs, beaks, and feet.

A couple of googly eyes...

...and both our craft, and a simple lesson on fractions, were complete.

For more fun with math, check out this week's Math Monday link-up, hosted by Joyful Learner.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Great Jehoshaphat! I am SO adding this to Little Wild Man's up and coming Winter Unit...

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

  2. How did you know that I had fractions on the agenda for next week and needed something more fun than just cooking with mom to bring it home?

    Thanks so much for sharing and don't be surprised when the same craft shows up on my blog. :)

  3. And they have the added bonus of being really, really cute! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  4. I love everything about this. I especially love the way you take one simple craft and turn it into lessons for three of your children. You never cease to amaze me. I'm joining the group of bloggers who will be posting this soon!

  5. This is such a cute and educational craft. I don't promise to make it, but it really looks great!

  6. Maths and craft - a perfect combination.

  7. That is so cute! I need to remember that we can do things like that for fraction practice.

  8. Cute penguin! It reminds me of a ladybug mirror my grandmother used to have. The wings would open and close. So you can do fractions with ladybugs as well as penguins! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Those are so cute! I did something similar with paper plates and made an owl. I love penguins, they are just too adorable!

  10. Cute craft! You should add these to my 'Fun for Kids Friday' Blog Hop.

