Friday, November 5, 2010

Turkey (Shaped) Sandwiches

Start with apple, and orange slice feathers, and cheese legs.

Add, a round sandwich of your choice. Cut the bread with a large glass, save the left over pieces, to dry for Thanksgiving stuffing.

Use a flattened piece of crust, for a head.

Cut a triangle of cheese for the beak...

...raisin halves for eyes, and a piece of fruit roll up, or craisin if you have one, for a snood.

(Place gobble related pun here).

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. That is so cute. We made fruit salad breakfasts with pears for the body similar to this last year, but I think that this is even cuter!

  2. And then gobble it down.......

  3. Beyond cute! I'm putting this on my list to do this week. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hello, i like very much your sandwiches.
    I was looking around when i found your blog, and guess what?? I´m a happy homeschool mom too, haha.
    I have to come back very soon to see all your blog.

  5. What fun. I enjoy your tutorial posts very much!

  6. I love these! I shared them on my Little Lunches facebook page! They are adorable.

  7. These are so cute. We've been making cute turkey crafts and now my 2 year old seems totally freaked out about "eating the turkey" for thanksgiving! Maybe these will help!

  8. These are so cute! I love the cheese legs. I'll be linking.

  9. Just made these with a group of toddlers. They weren't impressed with all the lovely hard work we (moms) put into their creations but enjoyed taking them apart and eating their favorite parts. This is a creative way to present food to them and we'll be doing this again!

