Saturday, October 2, 2010

What My Child is Reading - Pumpkin Patches

Just when I thought we'd gotten to the end of all the really good pumpkin themed children's books, all of the pumpkin patch books I put on hold at the library, started streaming in. Below are a few of our favorites, each with something special, or unique.

The Pumpkin Patch by Patricia Miles Martin, is an old fashion, but still very relevant story of friendship, and finds, on a kindergarten field trip to the pumpkin patch. I love that the pumpkins at the patch are 10 cents a piece, and that Tom Haul's pen scratched, illustrations are very similar in style to Charles Shultz' Peanuts' characters.

And, speaking of Peanuts...

It's another Halloween, and Linus is back in the pumpkin patch, with high hopes for seeing The Great Pumpkin, at last. Tad Hills' Duck & Goose are back too, just trying to find a pumpkin patch, in a story probably best for toddlers, but cute enough to engage the entire family.

In Mary Peterson, and Jennifer Rofe's adorable Piggies in the Pumpkin Patch, there the pumpkin patch. There's also a great map of the entire barnyard at the back of the book, just begging for a geography extension. And, did I mention the piggies are adorable?
Finally, for something completely different, we read Liz Curtis Higgs' The Pumpkin Patch Parable. Higg's uses a Jack-O-Lantern, from the planting of the seed, to the lighting of the candle, in conjunction with verses from the International Children's Bible, for an analogy of the Christian life. It's an interesting addition to the celebrate-or-not-to-celebrate Halloween debate.

You can find many more children's book reviews, and recommendations at this week's What My Child is Reading Blog Hop, hosted by Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.

I hope to link up with it later today, but for now we're on a road trip - over the river, and through the woods know the song right?

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. All these books sound so cute. I am going right now to see if I can get these at our library. Have a safe trip!

  2. All of those books sound great. Thanks. My next story hour will have a pumpkin theme so I'll have to look for a few of the books you recommended.

  3. Is the Tad Hills' book a new release? Looks cute. We're hoping to start reading pumpkin themed books this week.

  4. I really should find that Peanuts book for my 4-year-old. He looks just like Linus and is never very far away from his favorite blanket.

  5. I almost ordered the Duck and Goose book from a book order.

  6. You certainly know how to find great pumpkins and pumpkin books. I think I will try to get the one with piggies for our pumpkin related reading. Thanks for joining WMCIR!

